At Crooked Creek HOA, our architectural review team is committed to maintaining the beauty and integrity of our community. Through our careful review process, we ensure that all construction, renovation, and landscaping projects meet our strict standards for quality and cohesiveness. Meet our team of dedicated professionals below.
As members of the Crooked Creek HOA Architectural Standards Committee, we are committed to upholding the standards and vision of our community. We strive to promote the growth and enhancement of our beautiful neighborhood, ensuring that all homes maintain a consistent level of quality and aesthetic appeal. Our committee works tirelessly to create guidelines that help our neighborhood continue to flourish and maintain its position as a highly coveted place to live.

Crooked Creek HOA
Architectural Standards Committee
Architectural Standards Committee (ASC) requests are reviewed two times per month, on the first Monday and the third Monday of each month. All requests need to be submitted 2 business days prior to either the first or third Monday of the month, to be considered for review. Check with the City of Milton on all home improvements for City of Milton permitting policies. At these meetings, requests will be reviewed and approved/disapproved or assigned to a committee member for personal follow up with a homeowner. Tree Removals require a City of Milton permit. The HOA BOD and ASC will not allow external changes without submitting your work to the HOA ASC. If you violate the ASC policy and or procedure, you will be required to rectify the work. The Committee has 14 days to provide a response to the homeowner.
If you have an emergency situation, such as tree falling down or storm damage, you can make the repair and submit the request as soon as possible. Always please call the HOA office as soon as possible in these situations.
Please email your request form to crookedcreekpm@heritageproperty.com or drop off your completed forms in the drop box to the right of the HOA office door. Please contact us for any questions and we will be happy to assist you. The ASC Committee meet every other week to review requests.
Monthly violations patrols are being conducted to make sure the community is meeting the community standards.
Below are the important links.
Crooked Creek ASC Standards Request Form Download Manual
Crooked Creek ASC Standards Request Form Auto Fill Web
Crooked Creek ASC Inquiries & Questions
Crooked Creek Violations Questions Form